Ayurvedic and Home Remedies For Mouth Ulcers...

Mouth ulcers may develop in response to a mouth injury such as dental procedures or aggressive tooth cleaning. They can be triggered by emotional stress, dietary deficiencies (especially iron, folic acid, or vitamin B12), menstrual periods, hormonal changes, food allergies, and similar situations. They occur most commonly with viral infections. The pains may be sharp or sticking if the mouth is dry or smarting and raw if the mouth is full of saliva. These ulcers may be broad and superficial or deep and narrow. Small ulcers may combine together and may form large ulcers on the side of the tongue or in the buccal cavities.
Following are some of the identifiers for mouth ulcers and the ways it can be treated-

Hormone Change – Mouth ulcers in young women can be treated by hormonal therapy.
Nutritional Imbalances – Nutritional imbalances can also cause mouth ulcer. Deficiency of vitamin B12, folic acid and iron can trigger the formation of mouth ulcers. When patients are administered iron, folic acid and vitamin B12, the mouth ulcers heal faster.
Digestion Problems – Indigestion and acute acidity can also cause mouth ulcers.
Stress – Stress can also cause these sores. Vitamin B helps the body deal with stress conditions.

Ayurvedic Herbs for Treatment of Mouth Ulcer

Banyan (Ficus Religiosa) :- A decoction of the bark of the banyan tree reduces the pain caused by mouth ulcers.
Chebulic Myrobalan (Terminalia Chebula) :- The chebulic myrobalan is a component of the Triphala choorna, of which the amalaki is also an essential component. Its bark helps in reducing the pain of the ulcers. It also helps in correcting the constipation problems which causes ulcers.
Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum Graecum) :- Fenugreek leaves help in the treatment of mouth ulcers. An infusion of these leaves is used for gargling. Fenugreek is a strong agent on the ulcers. Hence it is used as a remedy for recurrent ulcers.
Henna (Lawsonium Alba) :- Henna is a cooling herb. It can provide a soothing effect on the ulcers. It is used with water for gargling.
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) :- Turmeric is also a cooling agent. It helps in relieving mouth ulcers. It is mixed in water and the suspension is used for gargling.
Kattha (Acacia Catechu) :- Kattha is an extract of the Acacia catechu plant, known commonly in the west as the catechu plant. This has astringent properties. It has a special place in Ayurvedic medicine in oral treatment. It is used in many forms for the treatment of ulcers.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) :- Licorice is used for several oral and dental problems. It is a component of several toothpaste brands. Its stem and leaves cleanse the mouth effectively. Apart from controlling the sores, it can refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth.
Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis) :- The Indian gooseberry or amalaki has a dual effect on ulcers. Used as a gargling solution, it can relax the pain of the ulcers. Secondly it can deal with constipation, which is generally one of the important factors causing ulcers in the mouth.Banyan (Ficus Religiosa) :- A decoction of the bark of the banyan tree reduces the pain caused by mouth ulcers.
Chebulic Myrobalan (Terminalia Chebula) :- The chebulic myrobalan is a component of the Triphala choorna, of which the amalaki is also an essential component. Its bark helps in reducing the pain of the ulcers. It also helps in correcting the constipation problems which causes ulcers.
Fenugreek (Trigonella Foenum Graecum) :- Fenugreek leaves help in the treatment of mouth ulcers. An infusion of these leaves is used for gargling. Fenugreek is a strong agent on the ulcers. Hence it is used as a remedy for recurrent ulcers.
Henna (Lawsonium Alba) :- Henna is a cooling herb. It can provide a soothing effect on the ulcers. It is used with water for gargling.
Turmeric (Curcuma Longa) :- Turmeric is also a cooling agent. It helps in relieving mouth ulcers. It is mixed in water and the suspension is used for gargling.
Kattha (Acacia Catechu) :- Kattha is an extract of the Acacia catechu plant, known commonly in the west as the catechu plant. This has astringent properties. It has a special place in Ayurvedic medicine in oral treatment. It is used in many forms for the treatment of ulcers.
Licorice (Glycyrrhiza Glabra) :- Licorice is used for several oral and dental problems. It is a component of several toothpaste brands. Its stem and leaves cleanse the mouth effectively. Apart from controlling the sores, it can refresh the mouth and cleanse the teeth.
Gooseberry (Emblica Officinalis) :- The Indian gooseberry or amalaki has a dual effect on ulcers. Used as a gargling solution, it can relax the pain of the ulcers. Secondly it can deal with constipation, which is generally one of the important factors causing ulcers in the mouth.Tips and advice for mouth ulcer relief

Here are some simple and effective tips that can be used to prevent mouth ulcers or treat ulcers and sores in the mouth. If you have mouth ulcers that are persistent or severe, you should seek advice from a healthcare professional to rule out any serious underlying cause.

1. Mouth ulcers can be the result of a lack of vitamin C. Drink plenty of orange juice.

2. Create a mouthwash with water and a small amount of sodium bicarbonate to cleanse the mouth.

3. Fresh coconut milk is an excellent liquid to gargle with. Use three or four times a day to keep the mouth clean and ease the pain of an ulcer.

4. If you don’t have any coconut milk, rinsing and gargling with cold and then hot water can be beneficial for an ulcer.

5. Also, adding a little salt to water and gargling with it can aid healing.

6. Crisps, toast and nuts can have sharp edges. When chewed, these can cause small cuts to the lining of the mouth. If the cut becomes infected it can lead to an ulcer (especially avoid these foods if you prone to mouth ulcers anyway). Also avoid chewing gum which can cause you to bite the inside of your mouth.

7. Peppermint oil is great for immediate relief from the pain and irritation of an ulcer.

8. Raw onions are good for ulcers as they contain sulphur. Eat them in salads.

9. A cold tea bag placed on an ulcer will give relief and the tannin will dry out the sore.

10. Over the counter antacids (Rennie, Remegel etc.) can help lower the acidity levels in the mouth and prevent the onset of mouth ulcers.

11. Don’t use a hard bristled toothbrush.

12. Change your toothbrush on a monthly basis.

13. Use toothpaste that has sodium bicarbonate rather than a fluoride heavy paste.

14. Warm vinegar and half a tablespoon of salt rinsed around the mouth three times a day for thirty seconds is great for healing ulcers but a little painful.

15. Chew Tulis (also known as holy basil leaves) five or six times a day and then sip water.

16. Rinse around your mouth with milk of magnesia to coat mouth ulcers and provide soothing relief.

17. Make sure your diet contains plenty of soured milk products such as yoghurt, cottage cheese and buttermilk (unless you have a dairy intolerance).

18. Indian gooseberry root bark powder (1tsp) coupled with honey (1tsp) makes a paste that can be applied directly onto the ulcer to provide relief and healing.

19. Cut out animal protein for a couple of weeks (fish, meat) as this increases acidity in the body and slows down the healing process.

20. Beer! Great excuse to have a drink but swish it around your mouth and you’ll get relief from your ulcers.

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