Top 10 Health Benefits of Lemon Water

Many people often love the tarty flavor of lemon juice in their dishes. But have you ever wondered that you can put this lemon juice to many more good uses than this? Yes! There are enormous benefits of lemon juice and water in your everyday life. You simply need to arm yourself with relevant knowledge and you would soon start valuing this amalgamation more than ever.Lemon is an inexpensive, easily available citrus fruit, popular for its culinary and medicinal uses. It is used to prepare a variety of food recipes such as lemon cakes, lemon chicken and beverages like lemonade and lemon-flavored drinks. It is also used for garnishing. Lemon juice consists of about 5% citric acid that gives a tarty taste to lemon. Lemon is a rich source of vitamin C. It also containsvitamins like vitamin B, riboflavin and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, magnesium as well as proteins and carbohydrates. Lemon is generally consumed in the form of lemon juice or lemon water. Lemon water makes a healthy drink, especially when taken in the morning. Daily consumption of lemon water provides a number of health benefits like:
Good for stomach:

Lemon can help relieve many digestion problems when mixed with hot water. These include nausea, heartburn and parasites. Due to the digestive qualities of lemon juice, symptoms of indigestion such as heartburn, bloating and belching are relieved. By drinking lemon juice regularly, the bowels are aided in eliminating waste more efficiently. Lemon acts as a blood purifier and as a cleansing agent. The intake of lemon juice can cure constipation. It is even known to help relieve hiccups when consumed as a juice. Lemon juice acts as a liver tonic and helps you digest your food by helping your liver produce more bile. It decreases the amount of phlegm produced by your body. It is also thought to help dissolve gallstones.

Excellent for Skin Care
Lemon, being a natural antiseptic medicine, can participate to cure problems related to skin. Lemon is a vitamin C rich citrus fruit that enhances your beauty, by rejuvenating skin from within and thus bringing a glow on your face. Daily consumption of lemon water can make a huge difference in the appearance of your skin. It acts as an anti-aging remedy and can remove wrinkles and blackheads. Lemon water if applied on the areas of burns can fade the scars. As lemon is a cooling agent, it reduces the burning sensation on the skin.

Aids in Dental Care
Lemon water is used in dental care also. If fresh lemon juice is applied on the areas of toothache, it can assist in getting rid of the pain. The massages of lemon juice on gums can stop gum bleeding. It gives relief from bad smell and other problems related to gums.

Cures Throat Infections
Lemon is an excellent fruit that aids in fighting problems related to throat infections, sore throat and tonsillitis as it has an antibacterial property. For sore throat, dilute one-half lemon juice with one-half water and gargle frequently.

Good for Weight Loss
One of the major health benefits of drinking lemon water is that it paves way for losing weight faster, thus acting as a great weight loss remedy. If a person takes lemon juice mixed with lukewarm water and honey, it can reduce the body weight as well.

Controls High Blood Pressure
Lemon water works wonders for people having heart problem, owing to its high potassium content. It controls high blood pressure, dizziness, nausea as well as provides relaxation to mind and body. It also reduces mental stress and depression.

Assist in curing Respiratory Disorders
Lemon water assists in curing respiratory problems, along with breathing problems and revives a person suffering from asthma.

Good for treating Rheumatism
Lemon is also a diuretic and hence lemon water can treat rheumatism and arthritis. It helps to flush out bacteria and toxins out of the body.

Reduces Fever
Lemon water can treat a person who is suffering from cold, flu or fever. It helps to break fever by increasing perspiration.

Acts as a blood purifier
The diseases like cholera or malaria can be treated with lemon water as it can act as a blood purifier.

Health benefits of Shudh Amla Ras

Amla is one of the valuable gift of nature to mankind for body fitness. It was not a magic that in ancient days Sages and Saints enjoyed a longevity of more than 100 years… They used to take amla regularly and followed a disciplined life. You may ask, ‘How can I bring it to my use? For the preparation of amla murabaa, you have to boil it, keep it soaked in lime water for some time, bleach and marinate it with different chemicals and preservatives to make it more tasty and yummy. But it destroys the medicinal value and turns it into a seeded mound of sugar.

After a long research it has been discovered that to enjoy the maximum benefits and natural herbal qualities of Amla one should take Amla Ras instead of Amla Murabaa. It becomes the main source of Vitamin ‘C’ for the body.

To get rid from the symptoms of aging like lack of enthusiasm, getting irritated due to lack of energy and weekness, weakening of the vision, premature graying and hair fall…take two tea spoonful of Amla Ras twice daily.Patients suffering from Sugar(Diabetes) with side effects like skin allergy, blood pressure, weakening of the vision, getting irritated due to weakness should take two spoonfuls of Amla Ras twice a day continuously for a long period and cure yourself from sugar problem and its side effects.

Health benefits of Shudh Amla रस

  • Keeps the bad effects of Aging and Blood Pressure under control.
  • It’s like a boon for Sugar Patients.
  • Helps Physical and Mental Growth.
  • Prevents Premature Graying and Hair Fall.
  • Controls Gas Problem, Indigestion, Continuous Cough, Influenza etc.Improves Vision of the Eyes.
  • To get rid of Obesity.
  • Makes the body slim and increases the Personality.It provides Vitality before and after(and during breast feeding), Child birth.
  • Increases Hemoglobin in the body.
  • An excellent blood purifier, and increases the beauty of the body.Acts as a boon for all Stomach Disorders.
  • Specially useful in Skin diseases.