Healthy Tips For Vaginal Dryness...

Vaginal dryness can be a particular problem at and after the menopause, due to lack of oestrogen (the female hormone). Oestrogen is responsible for the plumpness of the lining of the vagina, for the elasticity of the tissues round the vagina and for the production of the moisture from the cervix.

Oestrogen levels fall at the menopause, so the vagina loses some of its elasticity, its lining becomes thinner, and it feels dryer. Because there is less moisture, there are fewer of the 'friendly' bacteria that help to keep the vagina acidic. When the vagina becomes less acidic, infections such as thrush can take hold, which cause further irritation and discomfort.
Here are some of the ways to deal with vaginal dryness.

Causes of Vaginal Dryness:

Menopause is the single big reason for this condtion. Other reasons could be pregnancy, childbirth and breastfeeding. Chemotherapy or radiation done for cancer also dehydrates the body.

Removing of ovaries that secrete estrogen and urinary tract infections could be other reasons for vaginal dryness. Still more reasons could be medications used for treatment of uterine fibroids or benign lumps that dry up the estrogen and use of antidepressants taken during stress.

It also occurs when the glands that make tears and saliva are damaged. This is called Sjoren’s syndrome, which results in great discomfort and itching.

Douching or washing the vagina for contraceptive reasons could also cause vaginal dryness and can be painful while lovemaking or sexual intercourse. The results are redness or burning sensation. Cigarette smoking is another culprit, which makes the skin dull and results in the body getting dehydrated, thus resulting in vaginal dryness

Here are some of the ways to deal with vaginal dryness.

Vaginal Moisturisers and Lubricants

Vaginal dryness makes sex a painful experience. You can opt for over-the-counter moisturisers and lubricants that are especially made for vaginal dryness. This lubricant is applied inside the vagina or on the partner’s penis just before sex.

Natural lubricants such as apricot and almond oils can also be used. However, one must avoid using them with a diaphragm or condom as it can damage the latex. Lubricants and moisturisers are temporary solutions for vaginal dryness. Dryness comes back immediately after the treatment is stopped.

  • Estrogen cream – Estrogen creams are used in the similar manner as vaginal lubricants. Since vaginal creams can be messy, they must be used at bed time.
  • Vaginal estrogen tablet- It is a small tablet that is packed in a disposable applicator. The tablet is inserted into vagina, wherein the hormones are released.
  • Vaginal estrogen ring- It is a flexible ring that is placed inside the vagina. It need not be taken out during sex or any other activities such as bathing. Estring is a type of vaginal ring that releases low levels of estrogen.
  • One of the first and the simplest home remedies is to keep the body hydrated by drinking a lot of water, at least 8-10 glasses during the day.

  • Vitamin E is excellent for the skin. It is used in many cosmetics for anti aging and radiance of the skin. It can be applied externally or consumed in foods or as pills to moisten the vagina and make it elastic.

  • All undergarments should be of cotton only, as this allows the air to pass through and prevents any irritation in the vagina.

  • Bubble baths should be strictly avoided, as the chemicals in the soaps tend to dry up the vagina and cause discomfort.

  • Most grandmothers suggest saffron as one of the best home remedies for vaginal dryness. About 3-4 strands of saffron can be boiled in milk and the lukewarm milk can then be consumed. Saffron produces heat in the body and this will moisten the vagina lessening the dryness.

  • If infection too occurs along with vaginal dryness, applying tea tree oil in the vagina can treat it.

  • Turmeric too has many healing properties and a paste can be prepared by mixing it with milk and applying it locally to get relief both from infection and dryness.

  • Milk and aloe gel can be mixed and the solution can be applied to the vagina for relief from vaginal dryness, as this will lubricate the vaginal walls.

  • Grounded flax seeds are rich in calories and fiber and can be consumed or added to the food for nutrition. Alternately flax seed oil too can be consumed, as it helps in estrogen activity in the vagina of the woman.

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