
A single black mark on the face could accentuate the beauty of the face, but imagine what would happen when several black marks appear on the face all at once. This is what happens in blackheads.

Blackheads are actually the follicles which have expanded beyond their limits. That is why they are also known as open comedos. The main reason for their existence is excessive secretion by the sweat (sebaceous) glands. If you have blackheads, it could be because you did not pay much attention to facial attention earlier.

Blackheads are totally curable. In Ayurveda, there are several remedies by which these blackheads can be totally eliminated. Ayurveda describes two types of blackheads – the darker ones called nyachcha and the lighter ones called vyanga. Both nyachcha and vyanga can be cured and further outbreaks of these can be prevented by Ayurvedic treatments.

(1) Useful Herbs in the Treatment of Blackheads

- Cinnamon (Cinnamomum zeylanicum)

Cinnamon powder when applied on the face shows effective results in blackheads treatment.

- Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and Turmeric (Curcuma longa)

A mixture of coriander powder taken in a teaspoon with a pinch of turmeric powder is good in reducing blackheads.

- Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum graecum)

The seeds of the fenugreek plant are effective. They must be applied in a past form over the blackheads and let to be there overnight. The blackheads would disappear after a few nights.

- Sandalwood (Santalum album)

Sandalwood paste has a very cooling effect on the face. It is effective in the removal of both pimples and blackheads.

- Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum)

The tomato is a rich source of vitamin C. When it is applied to the area with blackheads on it, it makes the area suppler. This makes the removal of blackheads easier.

(2) Dietary Treatments for Blackheads

- Blackheads are produced due to inconsistencies in the circulatory system of the body. The blood is impure, and that is why facial problems such as pimples and blackheads occur. In order to correct the maladies with blood, a person should drink a lot of water. Drinking excessive water will lead to excessive urination; but this is a way of purifying the blood.

- Keep your diet rich in vitamin C foods. Eat Indian gooseberry (amalaki) a lot. Supplement your diet with vitamin C rich foods such as oranges, strawberries, lemons, etc.

- Digestion is an important key in keeping blackheads and pimples away. The food must be easy to digest. A good portion of the diet must be made of green vegetables and fruits. Protein-rich foods like milk, eggs, white meats and lentils must also be included.

- Fatty foods make the sebaceous glands work harder. Hence they should be avoided.

(3) Ayurvedic Treatments for Blackheads

- One of the simplest Ayurvedic treatments for the problem of blackheads is to apply steam on the face. Steaming improves the circulation of blood in the facial region and helps the blackheads disappear.

- Abhyanga is also used for the treatment of blackheads. Abhyanga is a method of making oil massage on the face. This must be done every morning before the bath. This will not only remove the blackheads, but it will also make the face suppler and shinier.

- Ayurvedic doctors will strongly suggest the disuse of all cosmetic products on the face when a person has blackheads. If cosmetics are used, the Ayurvedic remedies may not work. Instead, efforts must be made to keep the skin fresh with a healthy diet and the mind free from stresses and tensions. Yoga is recommended to keep the mind devoid of worries.

(4) Home Medications

- One simple treatment is to mix some camphor, almonds, sandalwood inrose water. 1 tola of sandalwood is first crushed with 2 tolas of almonds. Then 2 rattis of camphor extract are added to the mixture, and this is finally dissolved in 30 tolas of rosewater. Applying 1 tola of this paste of the face every morning will provide the necessary benefits.

- The Indian plum or jamuna is also a very beneficial remedy. Its seeds must be exuded in water till all the extract is obtained in the solution. This paste is to be applied on the face. This is one of the fastest ways to get relief from pimples and blackheads.

- Chiraunji (Buchanania latifolia) must be ground to a very fine consistency with yellow split lentils (masoor ki daal) and yellow mustard. Warm this mixture every morning and apply it on the face. Let it remain overnight. Each successive morning you will find some reduction in the severity of the blackheads.

- Prepare a mixture of lemon, honey and yoghurt. Add salt in it. The grainy salt will make a scrub out of the mixture. Scrub this on the face for five minutes everyday. This will remove the blackheads.

- A simple ice pack treatment on the face can also show results. This will help to contract the pores.

- Cucumber slices must be put on the face. Alternatively, face packs with cucumber as the major ingredient can also be used on the face. This helps to constrict the pores.

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