Garlic Health Benefits

What is Garlic?

Garlic (Allium Sativum) is a plant with a very strong and bitter flavor which has been used for both culinary and medical purposes for hundreds of years. The key medicinal ingredient in garlic is allicin, which is known to have wonderful anti-bacterial, anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-oxidant properties.What are the Benefits of Garlic?Garlic can be used to treat high cholestrol, parasites, respiratory problems, poor digestion, and low energy. Studies suggest that regularly eating garlic helps lower blood pressure, controls blood sugar and blood cholesterol, and boosts the immune system. It has also been found to reduce the risk of esophageal, stomach, and colon cancer.

Garlic as Anti-Inflammatory

The sulfur compounds in garlic have been found to have anti-inflammatory effects by inhibiting the activity of inflammatory enzymes. Along with vitamin C this can make garlic a protection against the pain associated with arthritis and asthma attacks. Vitamin C also increases body oxygen levels and interferon production which are both good for treating herpes.

Garlic for the Heart

garlic is renowned for its abilities to lower cholesterol and blood pressure naturally and protect against heart disease and stroke. Garlic has also been found to stimulate the production of nitric oxide in blood vessels aiding their dilation, and assist the body’s ability to dissolve blood clots (fibrinolyisis).

High Blood Pressure

Clinical studies have shown that people with high blood pressure who took garlic capsules daily for up to five months lowered their blood pressure levels as effectively as patients taking prescription blood pressure drugs. A suggested dosage is 600-900mg garlic capsules once daily.

High Cholesterol

Studies have shown that taking 600-900mg of garlic everyday lowers cholesterol levels and reduces arterial plaque formation by 5–18%. Therefore, an effective natural remedy is to take one garlic tablet or capsule (600-900mg) once per day.


Garlic's antibacterial, analgesic, and anesthetizing properties can help cure toothaches. Simply put some garlic oil or a piece of crushed garlic clove directly onto the affected tooth and the gum for instant relief.

Garlic is good for health and is beneficial in curing various health problems.
The garlic clove contains various nutrients as water soluble nutrients include vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and natural sugars & oil soluble nutrients includes sulphur compounds originating from an amino acid named alliin which is converted to a pungent compound called allicin which has natural antibiotic properties. Presence of sulphur in garlic is the cause of its pungent smell. However, the quality of Garlic cannot be over hidden due to this smell.

In several scientific studies it has been found that:

  • Garlic Medicinal UsesGarlic acts as an antiseptic & helps in curing the wounds very quickly.
  • One of the health benefits of garlic is that it helps in fighting against various infection & acts against inflammation and infection, including colds, coughs by adding a freshly cut raw clove to food three times a day or take kyolic garlic capsules but raw is always best.
  • In certain studies in China it has been shown that it contains chemicals that prevent cancer.
  • They suggest that eating garlic on regular basis provides some protection against cancer.
  • Fresh or cooked garlic or 500 mg garlic capsules twice daily helps in lowers down the blood pressure & cardiovascular problems.
  • It increases the levels of high density lipoproteins & reduces harmful cholesterol in the blood & keeps arteries and heart healthy.It thins the blood, reduces clotting and helps in controlling blood pressure and poor circulation.
  • Garlic stimulates the immune system of body & helps in fighting against various diseases.Prevents & relieves chronic bronchitis, respiratory problems, and catarrh.It acts as a nasal decongestant & expectorant.It is also helpful for hum oral asthma, hysteria, dropsy & scurvy.
  • Garlic works as a cleanser of the digestive system, helps in curing flatulence, kills internal parasites and is an excellent internal antiseptic.
  • Researcher recommends daily dose of fresh garlic of about 4 gm, equivalent to one or two small cloves for each & every person who wants to keep himself healthy.

What are the Side Effects of Garlic?

For most individuals, garlic does not cause any serious side effects. However people who are allergic to garlic or who consume it in large quantities may suffer from stomach irritation, heartburn, or flatulence. Garlic appears to be safe during pregnancy and breast-feeding. In fact, two studies have shown that babies prefer breast milk better from mothers who regularly eat garlic.

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